dimanche 2 septembre 2012

About the Patient

Tetanus Immunization Status
Tetanus is a devastating disease, causing muscle spasms that can lead
to muscle rigidity and seizures. Without adequate treatment, one in
three adults with tetanus will die. Although immunization has made
tetanus uncommon, it always lurks in the background.
If the patient has not had a tetanus booster within 5 years, and the
wound is tetanus-prone (see Table 2), a booster should be given. If the
wound is not tetanus-prone but the patient has not had a tetanus
booster within 10 years, a booster should be given. Patients who have
never been immunized need human tetanus immunoglobulin as well as
tetanus toxoid followed by completion of the full tetanus toxoid series.

Note: Tetanus toxoid and immunoglobulin must be kept refrigerated at
all times during transport from the factory. This requirement may be a
problem in remote areas.
Pulsatile Bleeding at Time of Injury
Even if the patient is not bleeding at the time of your examination, the
history of bright red, pulsatile bleeding at the time of injury implies an
arterial injury. Athorough vascular exam is required, and formal surgical
wound exploration is almost always indicated.
Medical Illnesses
Patients with diabetes are more prone to infections and wound-healing
problems. Encourage diabetic patients to keep glucose levels well controlled
to decrease the risk of complications. Malnourished patients
and patients with human immunodeficiency infection (HIV) or a history
of cancer also have wound-healing difficulties.
Smoking History
Tobacco smoking dramatically decreases circulation to the skin and
slows down the wound-healing process. Medical professionals have a
duty to tell all patients not to smoke. But the patient with an open
wound should be specifically warned that smoking interferes with and
perhaps prevents the healing process. Smoking also increases the risk
for wound complications and poor cosmetic outcome.

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