dimanche 2 septembre 2012


Digital block/anatomy                     Ulnar nerve infiltration
Sensation to hand                           Facial block:
Median nerve infiltration skeleton

Full surgical evaluation of a wound and suture placement can be
quite painful. You must anesthetize the injured area to perform these
procedures properly. The administration of a local anesthetic allows
you to evaluate and treat wounds in the emergency department or
clinic. If you are unable to attain adequate pain control, the patient
should be taken to the operating room for exploration under general
Local anesthetics work by reversibly blocking nerve conduction. They
primarily block the sensation of sharp pain; they do not block pressure
sensation. Therefore, in an area that has been adequately anesthetized,
the patient will not feel the sharp needle stick during suture placement
but may feel a vague sensation of pressure. This information should be
shared with the patient.
The duration of effect depends on how long the agent stays in the immediate
working area before being absorbed into the circulation or
broken down by the surrounding tissues.

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